Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Random Event and Shamless Plug

I completly forgot to metion something super random that happend while I was in Osaka this week. I was up in the crew room checking my email and I had a facebook message from an old friend from college. The message? "Did you fly through Osaka a few hours ago?" "Um, yes," I said, "Did you see me at the airport?" Turns out he had seen me at the airport as I was arriving!! How crazy and a small world is that? I always hope that I see someone I know on a flight, but so far that hasn't happened, so this is the closest I have gotten to that. Crazy huh?
I also wanted to take this time to promote my new 'business', passport covers! I was looking for a cover a few weeks ago and couldn't really find any with a travel theme. They seemed easy enough to make so I thought I would give it a try and make a few to sell as a side project. I am always dipping my hands into something new to do. Hats, coffee, baked goods, I like to try everything. I think my life would be so boring for me if I didn't. As the saying goes, variety is the spice of life.
So be sure and check out my site, its on ETSY.
I've got more ideas and will be working on them in the weeks to come if I am not flying. So check back often for new covers!

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