I'm always a fan of a good 'Lost in Translation' story so here's a quick one to get your day going. After arriving in Amsterdam this morning, for the third week in a row, I tried to take a quick nap. Alas sleep wasn't coming with the howling wind whipping by my window. So I crawled out of bed and went over to the grocery store. While I was there I thought I'd pick up a little treat for the awesome people who work at the hotel we stay at here in AMS. With probably 200 flight attendants and pilots here each day, they do a great job of keeping a smile on their face and being friendly and helpful. I saw these mini apple turnovers in the bakery and thought that they would be good, then I went over to the dairy area to get some whipped cream, cause that's how they eat apple pastries over here. I picked one that look really delish, right next to the big can of what looked like the Dutch version of Redi-Whip. I was happy and proud of my choices. After my return to the hotel I pulled the turnovers out of my bag along with the whipped cream. I held it out to the lady and asked if they do indeed eat this with apple pie here in Holland. She looked a little confused for a moment, and then said, "Um, yes, I think one of my coworkers will like that." Great, I thought! I've done well and pulled off a culture worthy gift!
After getting back to my room I heated up a turnover I had gotten for myself (of course!) and got out my own little cup of whipped cream. I opened it up expecting to find light, airy whipped cream. Instead I saw a thick, almost custard like substance. Uh-oh, I thought, what is this? After a sniff or two and a teenie tiny taste I discovered that I had in fact brought back for the lovely staff, sour cream. No wonder the lady looked at me funny. I'm hoping they all got a good laugh over the silly girl who brought sour cream to eat with apple pie, while they are enjoying said apple pie!
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